I finally after all these years began painting the underside of the main hatch. The logical thing would have been to paint this when it was off the boat. A comedy of errors prevented this and it was reinstalled on the boat unpainted. That was nearly a year ago. Now that is was always on the boat and always in an open position it was never in full view. Out of sight, out of mind. It has only been recently that I have been in the main cabin with the doors and hatch closed and the little heater going that it has stared me in the face. The warm temps prompted me to apply some yacht enamel yesterday. It is humid out so it did not dry fast enough for two coats but it will be in the 60's today so I should be able to get another coat on tonight.
The first mate has been working on the Admiral to replace the front v-berth cushions like we did the main saloon cushions. When the Admiral and First Mate pair up the Captain is over ruled, at least while in dry dock. So out again for more 4" foam. The old foam was extracted and the covers washed. The old foam might be the original 43 yr foam. It definitely came from HK as Chinese writing was still visible. It looked nasty and even if it was not original, it would have been at least 25 yrs old. A little freshening seemed in order.
Finally there was some decorating going on. I wanted some throw cushions of a certain size to add some color and the double as a pillow at night in the cabin. I purchased 4 that fit the bill within 20 min. I was informed that they would just not do when I proudly displayed my successful acquisition to the Admiral and First Mate. 3 hours of pillow shopping later, I now have 5 pillows of varying patterns and sizes, none of which I had originally intended on and I'm not sure will even work. Pillows are an easy compromise. They do not affect the performance or safety of the vessel. See how much I have grown.
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