More stuff. More Money. I have put off these purchases as long as necessary. I got another coat of varnish on a sanded interior this week. One more should do it. I have a lot of other small bits and pieces to varnish but they are all in the basement and can be done any time.

My package came from Defender right on time. 2 new wire to rope halyard kits, 2 new halyards with shackles, 1 new Life Sling and 1 new anchor lock. The Wire to rope kits are comprised of 50' of 3/16 SS wire cable pre-spliced to 50' of 7/16 line. The only assembly I had to do was determine the correct length of the cable, cut and crimp on the end. I layed the old Jib halyard (wire) on the ground next to the new one and cut accordingly. The wire is crimped via an oval barrel swage sleeve and a SS thimble to make the eye after the cable has been run through the sheave. Same operation for the Main Halyard.

The rest of the line I left intact and will trim to length once the mast is stepped and I can measure properly. The other two halyards are 3/8' line with snap shackles. One for the topping lift and one for the spinnaker (drifter) of the future. There is also a spinnaker pole guy that needs to be run but I will do that in my next purchase. So I ran all these new lines and halyards on the mast and got one step closer to finishing.
The Life Sling is a required piece of safety equipment and get hung on
the stern rail. I also ordered the Garmin GMI10 instrument display that
I will hook up to the already installed tri-ducer ( speed, depth, temp)
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