A good 6 hrs spent working on the boat in 2 hr blocks. No major visible progress but proceeding to the first coat of primer paint. I remade and reinstalled all of the support braces that were removed/rotted off the bulkheads that were replaced. They support the starboard settee, the port side and starboard side shelves, the galley cupboard shelf and sink shelf and the upper cupboard shelf with a new trash bin installed. There are two more cleats I would like to make and install to reinforce that upper cupboard shelf as I modified that area quite a bit. I need all of this in place before I put on the first coat of epoxy primer. I have two other areas I plan to build up but I will do these after the priming/painting. One is the head shelf and enclosure. I need to raise the level for the new porta potti and this may or may not alter where that shelf goes. The second is my new electrical control box. I still have to make the front face and install. Leaving both of these off will also help me gain better access to reinstall/rebed the chain-plates after painting.
I re-attached the copper grounding straps that were removed for bulkhead replacement. They have 30 yrs of paint on them that came off in most areas but I assume won't harm their intended porpose as long as the connections are good and clean and plan on painting them again. They attach to the middle shroud (upper) on either side. I never did find any termination point to check for connectivity. Both sides dissapear into the cement encased ballast. Proper lightening grounding is something I am not completely sure of other
The rest of the time was spent patching holes and areas needing fillets and sanding the entire cabin top getting ready for paint and another thorough vacuum of the cabin. This week I will wash down all the surfaces and begin tape off of the wood work. Try to get a coat of primer on this weekend.
Finally, you may have noticed my running miles have dropped off the chart. I have given in to the Achilles tendonitis and will admit defeat. I will not run again until mid October, giving myself a full 30 days off. Lots of spinning to keep the cardio up but it is not the same.
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