Before the new bow roller platform can be mounted I needed to finish it off with varnish. I had some other items I had stripped and sanded ready for varnish so it was worth while to do them all at the same time. The two dorade boxes and lids, two winch mounts and a stern light mount. In the picture you can see the Sapele and Teak are not that for off in color, only in grain.
I continued with the same formula that has served me well on the toe rails and mast restoration. The first coat is an Epifanes Rapid Coat with a teak tint, light sanding then 5-7 coats of Epifanes Woodfinish Clear Gloss Varnish. This has worked out well timing wise because it is still too hot to spend more than 30 min on the boat at a time. I did have enough time this past weekend to template and cut out a new galley bulkhead skin (1/8") and will sand on it a bit more before applying. Working out the clamping and installation took longer than making the piece fit.
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